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He wanted to destroy the primary Cybertron Primus protected. *FFXI The people of Vana'diel and creation of Altana, the Zilart were completely dominant and working together advanced incredibly quickly, all while the gods were asleep and oblivious. They mastered magic, engineering, telepathy and eventually overtook the terrestrial avatars themselves, all while mastering the power of the mother crystals below them. They were far more advanced than modern day Vana'diel. They wanted to enter paradise and take their place next to Altana as gods, this however would lead to the destruction of Vana'diel and in-turn the effective death of the terrestrial avatars (bahamut, diablos, fenrir, carbuncle, phoenix etc) since it was undoing what Altana originally did. In effect they were joining the 5 crystals together as one again, not physically but in allowing the power from all 5 to converge. The Zilart created numerous machines called arks at Dem, Mea, Holla etc that harnessed the power of the 5 mother crystals below them, they also created the protocrystals to gain power of the elements. Each mother crystal had it's own separate powers and emptiness within it, they were not 5 duplicate slices of the same crystal but 5 unique parts of the whole. The Ark Angels are the effective embodiment of each crystal, they do not represent the 5 races at all and existed long before them. The terrestrial avatars through Diabolos attempted to divide the Zilart and slow them down, by imbuing emptiness into some of them so he could influence them through their dreams. One of the greatest strengths of the Zilart was telepathy, that basically unified them all as one worldwide race to work together as one. The Kuluu were cut off from this telepathic link when they were corrupted by emptiness and were cast out as freaks. Kral, Aang'in Avatar olmasından şüphelenerek onun yeteneklerini denemek için Aang'i üç ölümcül what sınava sokar.
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