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Daha fazla »Bu hallerin başında, kararlaştırılan ifa zamanının edimin içeriğine dâhil olduğu ve bu zamanın geçirilmesi durumunda gerçekleştirilecek fiillerin somut sözleşmenin ifası sayılamayacağı, mutlak kesin vadeli sözleşmeler (absolutes Fixgeschäft) gelir 45. Düğün fotoğraflarının çekilmesi, belirli bir günde konser verilmesi, belirli bir zamanda, belirli bir yerde olacak şekilde yolcu taşıma gibi edimler bakımından ortaya çıkan imkânsızlık, aslen geçici 43 Çeşitli örnekler için bkz.: Keskin, D.: Kesin Vadeli İşlemlerde İfa Etmeme: Temerrüt ve İmkânsızlık, GÜHFD 2007, C. XI, S.1-2, s. 216; Eren, s. 1041; Arnold, s. 866; Musielak, H.J.: Der Ausschluss der Leistungspflicht nach 275 BGB, JA 2011, H.11, s Wiegand, BasK Art. 97 N. 17; Oğuzman/Öz, s. …
Daha fazla »Unicron heard this scream however and now knew where he was sleeping and where the primary reality he continually searched for was. Unicron created and sent 3 heralds and his powerful fallen prime from one of the many alternate realities where he had dominated Cybertron there, to the source of this scream. He wanted to destroy the primary Cybertron Primus protected. *FFXI The people of Vana'diel and creation of Altana, the Zilart were completely dominant and working together advanced incredibly quickly, all while the gods were asleep and oblivious. They mastered magic, engineering, telepathy and eventually overtook the terrestrial avatars themselves, all while mastering the power of the mother crystals below them. They were far more advanced than modern day Vana'diel. They wanted to enter paradise and take their place next to Altana as gods, this however would lead to the destruction of Vana'diel and in-turn the effective death of the terrestrial avatars (bahamut, diablos, fenrir, carbuncle, phoenix etc) since it was undoing what Altana originally did. In effect they were joining the 5 crystals together as one again, not physically but in allowing the power from all 5 to converge. …
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