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Casino game development studio
Despite the fact that it has such an important potential and the applications that are developing day by day, the biggest problem of the sector is the education about game software and artistic information hardware that manages the content of the games, meaning shaping (eg text structuring, script writing, artistic and cultural hardware etc.) and lack of infrastructure. Turkey has become one of the important actors in the global market and to increase its share of production from the world but to do in this area and it will be possible to export produce. Young people who are aware of the necessities of the digital age and economy, who have the infrastructure to develop innovative works and who can produce digital games and content will be the locomotive of this growth. On the way to the export of games, the universities that provide education in the field of digital game design and the increase in the number of these universities will play a decisive role. CARRIER OPPORTUNITIES: The places where the graduates of the program can be employed and the market demand for these graduates: In the Digital Gaming Industry: With the development of technology, the channels that rely on internet and software based creation are emerging every new day. Not only in our country, but also in the international arena, there are few employees who have received training in the field of digital gaming, so qualified people are needed to meet the needs of the market. The new companies and games that will emerge with the graduates of the department carry a great economic potential on behalf of our country and aim to achieve success at the local and global level through creative, visionary and innovative projects. In the Software Sector: Due to the gap created by the scarcity of employees who have received training in the fields of software, such as mobile applications, this gap needs to be covered with department graduates. In this field, he has the chance to take part in many different platforms including game software, art director, graphic designer, audio and video expert, content planner and screenwriter. Occupation Progress: Graduates, such as in areas where they develop themselves in digital gaming industry in the world or in Turkey or have the ability to study animation and software. Net: casino 46.
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